Friday, 15 July 2016

Charles Tilley OBE steps down as CEO of CIMA and becomes Executive Chairman, CGMA Research Foundation

Following the overwhelming support of CIMA members last month to establish the world's largest and most influential accounting association - bringing together CIMA with the AICPA - Charles Tilley has decided to end his 15 year tenure as CEO of CIMA, stepping down from his role on 31 July 2016.  

As colleagues and friends will warmly recognise, Charles Tilley is fond of saying; 'there’s never been a better time to be a management accountant'.  And he's right as new opportunities open up for management accountants as CFOs, FDs, CEOs and Chairmen in leading businesses and other organisations across the world.  

Charles Tilley will continue to play an active role going forwards. He will become the part time Executive Chairman of the newly established CGMA Research Foundation focusing on senior business relationships and their needs from management accounting with a particular focus on raising the awareness and driving the adoption of the Global Management Accounting Principles. He will also continue to play a wider representative role advancing the agenda of building better business trusted by society.  

Speaking for CIMA members President Andrew Miskin commented: “I am delighted to pay tribute to Charles. He has played a critical role in driving the formation of the new Association. CIMA has never been better known, more respected or influential. Charles has transformed CIMA as an active force across Asia and has opened up North America. His commitment to rigorous research focused on the current and future needs of business ensures the relevance of those who are CIMA qualified. He helped forge the Global Management Accounting Principles, the basis of the world’s first global standard for management accounting, BSI PAS 1919”.

Charles Tilley added: "I have been tremendously honoured to serve as CEO of CIMA. With member endorsement achieved, the next step is to establish the Association, successfully implementing the integration of strategy, management and operations, laying the strongest possible foundations for the CGMA designation. At this next stage of the development of CIMA I believe the time is now right to stand down. I am enormously grateful to members, staff and partners for all they have contributed whilst I have been CEO". 

Barry Melancon, President and CEO of the AICPA remarked: "I am delighted that Charles has responded positively to my request that he stay on adding his insight, wisdom and guidance.  As we make history forming the new Association I and colleagues are all too keenly aware that we simply could not have done it without Charles".

Andrew Harding, currently CIMA's Managing Director, will become acting CEO from 1 August until the Association is formed in January 2017 - he will then become the first CEO of the new 'CGMA Unit' of the Association. Andrew added:
"Charles has been a tremendous and inspirational colleague and leader - on behalf of all staff together with senior colleagues, I warmly wish Charles, Sarah and his family the very best whilst strongly welcoming his continuing relationship with CIMA going forwards. 

“I am delighted to be leading CIMA and the new CGMA Unit - and very much look forward to working with our members, partners and students across the world in forging the new Association".

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